

Mopani Copper Mines – Nkana Security Team won the Inter-company First Aid Competition which was hosted by FQM – Kansanshi Mining PLC at Kabitaka Primary School in Solwezi.

The event was graced by Minister of Mines and Minerals Development Honorable Richard Musukwa, MP.

The competition saw 19 teams drawn from different mining companies and contractors participate.

In second position was FQM Mining Division while Lubambe Mine scooped the third position. Speaking at the event, Guest of Honour, Hon. Musukwa said that government had always emphasized on “Zero tolerance” to mine accidents and that there was no job that could be done at the expense of safety. He reminded employers, employees to always observe adherence to principles of occupational health and safety which were non- negotiable. “I therefore, urge all employers, trade unions and the workers themselves across the mining industry to actively participate in securing a safe and healthy working environment, where the principle of prevention is accorded the highest priority by treating symptoms first,” he said.

He urged all Mining companies to train workers in first aid, in line with Mining Regulations and the theme of the 2019 Chamber of Mines First Aid Competition, “First Aid, For Everyone, Everywhere”. He commended FQM – Kansanshi Mining PLC for hosting a successful competition and congratulated the winners Mopani Copper Mines – Nkana Security Team for a great display of first aid skills.

The Chamber of Mines of Zambia Council for First Aid (CMZCFA) operates under the auspices of the Chamber of Mines of Zambia and is at present the only society recognized by the Chief Inspector of Mines to supervise First Aid Training Activities in the Mining industry and issue certificates of competence to deserving candidates. The Council also conducts mining inspections at all the mines that are affiliated to the Chamber of Mines. These inspection visits are aimed at checking on compliance to acceptable standard First Aid practices and statutory First Aid requirements as prescribed by the Mining Regulations – MR 1201 – 1210 as well as 213 and 214.

The 2020 Intercompany First Aid Competition will be hosted by NFCA Chambishi Mine.

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