
Lubambe Mine achieves 210 days without lost time injury

Lubambe Copper Mine (LCM) has achieved an astonishing record of going for 210 days without lost time injury at the places of work.

LCM Chief Executive Officer Nick Browen said 210 days without lost time injury is a world class achievement in an underground mining globally.

Speaking during the Lubambe Special Ukusungana Mass Meeting this morning June 27, 2019, at Lubambe Mine, Mr Bowen said the mine recorded a mine accident last year on November 25.

He said despite mining especially underground like Lubambe operations is hazardous, the mine has never recoded fatality in its operation since inception.

“In as much as we want to increase and meet higher production targets, there is nothing that is very important than safety. We want you to reach home safely and meet your families,” he said.

During the ‘Ukusungana Mass Meeting,’ several employees were awarded for exhibiting high safety standards.

Hoisting and Stope Blasting teams received cash incentives during the meeting.

A lost time injury is something that results in a fatality, permanent disability or time lost from work.

It could be as little as one day or shift. Lost time injury refer to the number of lost-time injuries within a given accounting period, relative to the total number of hours worked in that period.

Lubambe is a mechanized underground copper mine.

By John Sakala, The Independent Observer

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