Konkola Copper Mines (KCM) has injected K55, 000 into the Pave Kitwe project

Konkola Copper Mines (KCM) has injected K55, 000 into the Pave Kitwe project spearheaded by Kitwe Mayor Christopher Kang’ombe.
And Mr Kan’gombe lobbing prowess have caught the eye of the opposition political parties such as the National Democratic Congress (NDC).
Outgoing KCM Chief Executive Officer Steven Din donated K55, 000 on behalf of KCM to the Pave Kitwe project.
“Thank you Steven Din for the K55, 000 that was donated on behalf of KCM towards the success of the Pave Kitwe Walkways Project. I wish you success in your next professional assignment as I welcome the new CEO, Deshnee Naidoo,” Mr Kang’ombe posted on tiozambia WhatsApp forum.
And saluting Mr Kang’ombbe, NDC Copperbelt Chairperson Mulenga Chipoka said good deeds woo good seasoning (Umunani usuma, uilombela umucele).
Mr Chipoka was speaking after Kitwe City Council Assistant Public Relations Manager Beauty had posted that an American firm had invited Mr Kang’ombe to speak at this year’s annual MOBILIZE conference to take place in Dar es salaam, Tanzania between June 25 and 29.
He said that it is not always about having the money in the coffers that makes a leader tick but having the ability to lobby from the like-minded stakeholders.
“Corporate firms get easily attracted to acts aimed at improving the outlook of the towns where they operate as long as there is transparency in the way the donated resources are used. Some leaders want to be given liquid cash which defeats the purpose of projects.
“In the Pave Kitwe walkways project, the Mayor of Kitwe has been asking for well-wishers to even donate pavers and any material or pay directly to the suppliers of the material,” he said.