HIGHLIGHTS – 1st HSE Conference 2014

The Zambia Chamber of Mines successfully held its first HSE National Conferenceon 10-11 July, 2014, at Mulungushi International Conference Centre, in Lusaka. The Conference was opened by the Minister of Mines, Energy and Water Development, Hon. Christopher Yaluma, MP.
Conference Highlights
- Attracted local and international participants from academia, industry, regulatory institutions, service providers and many more
- Main Sponsor: Standard Chartered Bank (Zambia)
- 19 papers were presented and these papers covered Health, Safety and Environment. 3 Research Papers shared during Panel Discussions.
- Papers covered wide range of topics such as those outline below. For more details see the full report of conference proceedings on the link provided.
- Multi-drug resistant
- Occupational Health and Safety Act, 2010
- Finding a balance between EQ and IQ: The Sasol Nation Petrochemical induction, Case study
- Copper mine wasteland as alternative land for jatropha biofuel production
- Silica/silicosis effects on miners in the mining industry
- Workers compensation in Zambia
- Health profiles of Zambian mine job seekers
- Evaluating levels of insecticide resistance in malaria vectors of Kalumbila mine area of Solwezi
- Enhancing safe production through improving safety culture of mining in Zambia
- The role of Mine Safety Department (MSD) & mine accidents
- Behavioural based care
- Working at heights
- Post privatisation challenges – ZCCM-IH
- Copper mine wastelands as an alternative land for jantropa
- EIA process in Zambia and its challenges
- Challenges of groundwater monitoring and
- New Environmental Legislation and how it compares with the old stature
- The Environmental Protection Fund of the Mines and Minerals
- Development Act, No 7 of 2008 – Its design and principles of operation
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