Call for Papers – 2ND HSE Conference
The Zambia Chamber of Mines is pleased to announce that it will be holding its 2nd HSE National Conference from Thursday 30th to Friday 31st July, 2015, at Mulungushi International Conference Centre, in LUSAKA.
Download Call for Papers Here.
Conference theme
The theme of the Conference is: “ROAD TO ZERO HARM”
Scope and Topics
The high-level Conference being held under the theme, “ROAD TO ZERO HARM” will provide an ideal forum for experts from academia, research institutions, regulatory bodies and industry in mining Health Safety and Environment, for sharing, ideas, experiences and best practices.
Health, Safety and Environment issues in the mining industry have continued to dominate debate and scholarly enquiry globally.
Interested authors are invited to submit articles based on original research work, projects, surveys and industrial experiences relevant to Occupational Health, Safety and Environment, in mining and related industries.
Paper Submission
Abstracts of papers should be submitted to the Event Manager by Friday 15th May, 2015 for consideration; by email on the address given below. Submissions must be original and should not have been published previously or be under consideration for publication while being evaluated for the Conference.
Successful Authors will be requested to submit full papers not exceeding 15 pages in length, inclusive of illustrations. The papers must be in MSWord, produced on A4 paper size in 12 Point Times New Roman font, single line spacing, and in a single column format. The margins should be 35mm on the left and 25mm on the other three sides of the page. The text must be fully justified and paragraphs must be separated by single line spaces.
Download Call for Papers Here.