Press Statement

Announcement of the 2015 Mining Gala Awards

Following the successful, Zambia Chamber of Mines Inaugural Mining Awards Gala Dinner held in 2014, the Chamber is back with yet another exciting event this year to recognize and promote service and excellence in the mining industry in Zambia. 

The hosting of the 2015 Gala Dinner will provide an opportune event for key players in the industry to showcase their achievements, create business linkages and share experiences. 

About 350 Mining Executives, Senior Government officials, Suppliers, Cooperating Partners, Civil Society and members of the Media are expected to attend the Gala to be held on 26th June, 2015 at Radisson Blu Hotel, in Lusaka, starting at 18:30 hours. 

The Chamber, has since constituted a panel of adjudicators comprising experts and distinguished persons with experience in the mining industry, which include the Ministry of Mines, Energy and Water Development, Zambia Environmental Management Agency, ZEMA, Civil society organization, Diakonia and the University of Zambia-School of Mines. 

Zambia Chamber of Mines President, Jackson Sikamo observes that the Zambian Mining industry is faced with major challenges in relation to both safe production and profitability.  Safe production is affected by the hazardous nature of the industry and profitability by the high cost profile of the industry and the technical complexity of mining lower grade ores which are also more complex from a mineralogical point of view.  It is therefore important that the industry develops strategies which will promote continuous improvement in safe production and profitability.  

“To encourage this, the Zambia Chamber of Mines came up with a mechanism to recognize members who were excelling in putting measures in place to guarantee all round continuous improvement in their operations,”Mr Sikamo said. 

He said improvements to safe production and industry profitability will ensure that the industry continues on a path of responsible and sustainable mining and this will guarantee a viable mining industry which will satisfy all the stakeholders including shareholders, employees, Government, and communities in the areas where mining takes place. 

Mining companies participating in this event are:

  1. Barrick Lumwana Mine
  2. Chambishi Metals
  3. Chibuluma Mines
  4. Kansanshi Mining
  5. Konkola Copper Mines
  6. Mopani Copper Mines
  7. Mabiza Resources (Munali Nickel Mine)

The winners will be announced and presented with appropriate awards at the Gala Dinner in various categories namely:

  • Best Mining Employer
  • Best Performer in Environmental Management
  • Best Performer in Innovation
  • Best Performer in Local Content
  • Best Performer in Occupational Health and Safety
  • Best Performer in Social Investment
  • Mining Personality of the Year
  • Mining Woman of the Year
  • Mining Company of the Year
  • Mining Industry Annual First Aid Competition Winners Award
  • Mining Industry Annual Mine Rescue Competition Winners Award
  • Chamber of Mines President’s award

“As some members get recognized, other members will be encouraged to emulate them and to strive to do better.  At the same time innovations which will come out of the continuous improvement efforts being made by the various companies will be shared and the industry as a whole will benefit immensely,”Mr Sikamo further said. 

The Chamber President adds that apart from the recognition aspect of the annual gala awards dinner/night, this gathering affords the captains of the mining industry and their teams to meet and socialize with senior Government officials, leaders from industry which supplies goods and services to the mining industry and to network generally.  This networking is critical to the sharing of industry happenings, latest issues affecting industry and the sharing of ideas on best practices.   

Sponsorship opportunities towards the 2015 awards are still open for Platinum Award, Gold Award, Silver Award, Bronze Award and Copper Award. 


Issued By:
Talent Ng’andwe
Communications Manager
Phone   : +260 211 258383
Mobile  : +260 977381309

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